Following interview from the series Ambassadors Without Diplomatic Passports will take us to the realm of marketing, economics and France. Professor Hana Machková, current Rector of the University of Economics, Prague, has…
Czech Change : CR Becomes A Climate Leader
Politics can be more unpredictable that the weather, as Foreign Minister Lubomír Zaorálek clearly demonstrated at the recent UN climate change summit in New York. In contrast to the country’s relative invisibility…
Jan Pištěk: Mutual Attraction Exhibition
Jan Pištěk Born 10 August 1961 in Prague. Between 1981 and 1986, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague where he was appointed lecturer in the studio of painting, headed by Professor…
Rozhovor s Ing. Alešem Grafem, MBA
Ing. Aleš Graf, MBA je předsedou představenstva a jediným majitelem společností sdružených v Centropol Holding a.s., mezi které patří i jeden z největších alternativních dodavatelů energií CENTROPOL ENERGY a.s. Za rok 2013 se zařadil…
Gender Integration is taking momentum
New trend of male leadership actively involved in promoting women. Shifts of perception and social behaviors take time. They also need champions who decide to re-examine what I call present state scenarios…
Journalism’s impossible dilemmas
Flipping through my Amazon wish list I stumbled upon a book I wanted to read ever since I was a reporter. The Journalist and the Murderer is a 1990 study by Janet Malcolm on…
Rozhovor s ministryní pro místní rozvoj, Věrou Jourovou
„Ve svých špatných časech jsem si uvědomila, jak strašně blízko je každý jeden v této zemi, aby se dostal pod most.“ Politickou dráhu měla našlápnutou už jednou. Jenže kvůli údajné kauze Budišov…
Tempting Saudi Arabia
Opening consulate – from left: Vladimír Galuška, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Hussein Shobokshi, Honorary Counsel Mr. Hussein Shobokshi is a well-established Saudi businessman who more than…
An Interview With Ladislav Blažek, Owner of Blažek Praha Company
02The Customers Appreciate Unique Design Úvod: Ever since its founding in 1992, the Blažek fashion house adresses men who seek out quality clothes and the best services. The customers appreciate unique design,…
Boom and bust why czech start-ups need professional communication
The economic crisis that began in 2008 has emphasized that the true engine of a healthy economy is the vivacious small enterprises created and driven by people who dare to dream. These people go on their…